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Community Shed

What is The Shed?
We’re supported by the Men’s Shed Association but that doesn’t mean we only welcome men. That’s why we’ve called ourselves a Community Shed.
Men’s Sheds (or Community Sheds) are like your own garden shed – somewhere to pursue practical interests at leisure, to practice skills and enjoy making and mending. The difference is that garden sheds and their activities are often solitary in nature while Community Sheds are the opposite.
Community Sheds are about social connections and friendship building, sharing skills and knowledge, and of course a lot of laughter.
We offer friendship and support to people who like doing practical things, as well as a mending and practical service to the wider community.
Our shed is Ross’s veg shed reborn. In our workshop you can get involved in woodwork, metalwork, restoration and basic electrical repairs.
Men’s Shed Association
The association gives support and guidance to individuals and groups across the UK in starting and managing a Shed. Loneliness and isolation can be as bad for our health as obesity and excessive smoking.
Sheds are about meeting people, having fun, sharing skills and knowledge and gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.
Sheds reduce isolation and feelings of loneliness, helping people to deal with mental health challenges and remain independent, they rebuild communities and even save lives.
Sheds are vital!

New members

Wessex Community Bank
We are very grateful to the Wessex Community Bank for their generous grant which enables us to extend our services to the local community.

Our Projects
Price List


We will be closed on Tuesday 4th February 2025.
Our Stories

Some things we have done, and how we did them
Winchester City Council haven’t just generously supported us with grants, they even made a nice video about us

Please visit and Like our Facebook Page to catch up with the latest activity at The Shed
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